The MTA’s ultimate goal for the Small Business Mentoring Program is to increase the pool of quali ed
contractors who can complete MTA projects safely, timely and within budget.
The MTA Small Business Development Program (SBDP)
offers a comprehensive menu of services designed to
help small contractors, including Minority, Women and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, compete for MTA
construction contracts.
In July, 2010, New York State enacted legislation that
authorized the MTA and its operating agencies to
establish a Small Business Mentoring Program (SBMP) for
small construction contractors. The SBMP has two tiers
and is a major component of the overall SBDP.
Under the MTA’s program, a small business has annual
revenues not exceeding $3 million for Tier 1 and $5
million for Tier 2, averaged over three years. A business
admitted into the program will have the opportunity
to learn how to work with the MTA and compete for
public work projects designated for the SBMP as prime
contractors. The MTA’s ultimate goal is to increase the
pool of qualified contractors who can complete MTA
projects safely, timely and within budget.
Currently, the SBMP has 135 pre-qualified contractors in
the program and has awarded a total of 131 contracts
equaling over $79.5 million to participating firms. The
program is growing, and it is widely recognized as one of
the most successful mentoring programs for small firms in
the transportation industry.
These projects have created over 2,632 jobs in the MTA
14-county service region. In addition to expanding
opportunity to historically disadvantaged communities,
the program broadens the overall pool of businesses
that are bidding for MTA contracts. In general, increased
competition for MTA contracts means higher quality of
workmanship and lower project bids.
During Tier 1, SBMP contractors may access loans
offered through Carver Federal Savings Bank, the SBMP