MTA Program Brochure 2015 - page 3

The MTA Small Business Development
Program (SBDP), including the MTA
Small Business Mentoring Program
and MTA Small Business Federal
Program, provides small construction
contractors the unique opportunity
to gain experience, learn and grow in
the highly-competitive world of MTA
construction. To assist contractors in
successfully completing the program,
the MTA has reconfigured many of
its processes to make entering and
completing the program more
seamless than ever.
For example, the MTA clearly
communicates each step in the process.
We have adjusted the program from
start to finish, fostering teamwork
every step of the way among all of the
project participants and demonstrating
a commitment to your success through
hands-on involvement.
The contractors selected to participate
in the SBDP learn the importance of
timing, good communication and the
impact it has on construction. Upon
successful completion of each of the
MTA programs, contractors will be on
the best path to establishing increased
project experience while building the
track record needed to obtain bonding
for larger projects. Our Tier 2 Graduate
Level Program further advances
successful contractors to even higher
performance and project levels.
It is MTA’s goal that the knowledge
gained and lessons learned while
completing smaller projects through
our robust programs will carry our
contractors into the next level of the
construction industry, now and in
the future.
Craig F. Stewart
Senior Director, Capital Programs
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Michael J. Garner, MBA
Chief Diversity O cer
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
As Chief Diversity Officer at the MTA,
I am privileged to invite small businesses,
including Minority, Women and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, to
the MTA. Our doors are opening wider for
small businesses through our innovative
and comprehensive business development
programs that increase contract awards
for emerging and small firms, which
historically have been excluded from our
procurement processes.
The MTA Small Business Development
Program (SBDP) is an integrated and
comprehensive one that includes technical
assistance and practical support in the
following areas: Mentoring, Training,
Capital Access, Bonding, Owner Provided
Insurance and Union Transition.
Today, our MTA Small Business Federal
Program (SBFP) – the nation’s first
regional construction small business
mentoring program – will further expand
opportunities for Disadvantaged Business
Enterprises and other small businesses to
participate in our award-winning Mentor
Program and participate on projects that
receive Federal funding.
Our SBDP is a win-win situation for both
the MTA and participating firms. The MTA
will grow its pool of qualified, successful
construction contractors and small
businesses will grow their portfolio of
successful projects that will be completed
safely, timely and within budget. Our
bottom line goal is to assist you in growing
your business.
All stops on our express train lead to
contracts and business success. Welcome
to the MTA!
Honorable John J. Molloy
Board Member; Chair, Diversity Committee
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
The key to building a successful business
is to create the capacity to take on new
work. Here at the MTA, we’ve built the
MTA Small Business Development Program
(SBDP) around that concept, offering
small businesses the unique opportunity
to get access to capital, bonding and the
in-the-field training necessary to help their
businesses succeed.
Our team has put together one of the
industry’s most comprehensive and
effective mentoring programs. From our
11-course training program to the project
teams that our small business contractors
work collaboratively with, every one of
us at the MTA is dedicated to providing
you with the skills, the resources and the
opportunities to thrive in New York’s
highly competitive and lucrative
transportation market.
Whether you’re relatively new to
construction or have some significant
experience to share, our depth and
breadth of mentoring programs offer value
to help you grow your business. The MTA
has a wealth of contract opportunities, and
your participation in this program will help
prepare you to take on those contracts
now and in the future.
On behalf of the MTA Diversity Committee
and all of us here at the MTA, we invite
you to learn more about our small business
mentoring programs by exploring the
pages that follow.
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