MTA Program Brochure 2015 - page 4

BuiLd youR BuSiNESS
In 2009, the MTA Department of Diversity and Civil Rights and the
MTA O ce of Construction Oversight unveiled the Small Business
Development Program (SBDP). The SBDP is a set of initiatives that
provide a supportive framework to help eligible small businesses,
including Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises,
establish stable, long-term business relationships with the MTA as they
develop and grow. Each of the MTA’s mentoring programs provide
excellent opportunities to grow within the transportation industry, both
on state and federally-funded projects.
The Program is a landmark initiative that is garnering accolades throughout
the region, opening doors to small construction companies operating in
the transportation sector. These new initiatives include mentoring, training,
access to capital, a bonding program in which the payment bond is provided
through an MTA guarantee with no performance bond required, an owner-
provided insurance program for on-site activities related to construction
contracts and union transition support.
All MTA agencies participate in the program, which includes a specially-
designed training curriculum to help small businesses learn, earn and grow.
Each of the agencies will also identify specific projects which the pre-
qualified mentor construction contractors will be able to bid.
The MTA Small Business Mentoring Program (SBMP) is multi-tiered: Tier 1
provides project opportunities valued up to $1 million and includes formal
training, coordination with experienced project manager mentors and the
chance to perform as a prime contractor with the MTA. Upon successful
completion of the four-year Tier 1 program participants who meet certain
other requirements are eligible for a two-year Tier 2 program which will
enable them to bid on projects valued up to $3 million.
Contracts in Tier 2 are executed without a construction manager’s
participation to prepare and position the firm to secure independent
contracts within the MTA and beyond. These graduate mentor contractors,
however, must obtain surety bonding to participate. The program offers
resources to obtain that bonding. Also, assistance, if desired, will be available
for those firms wanting to become union contractors.
A second program in the SBDP is the new MTA Small Business Federal
Program (SBFP). This program further expands opportunities for
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises to participate in federally-funded
transportation projects that are likely to create even more opportunities for
working on larger transportation projects.
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