Financial capability
Reliability and responsibility
Safety record
Licensing in the trade, where applicable
Certifications under state and federal programs
Record of compliance with wage, hour and other
state and federal fair labor standards
Integrity of key persons, affiliates, current and
past owners and principal
Provide at least two references for commercial
work – valued at no less than $25,000 each –
in every trade for which it wishes to be qualified
Have been in business for at least two years
Because the program is targeted to the small
contracting business community, a firm must
have average annual gross sales less than
$3 million in the last three calendar years and
a bonding capacity less than $2 million.
Enrollment in the Small Business Mentoring Program Tier
2 is for candidates who have successfully graduated from
the four-year SBMP and continue to maintain the same
standards of performance, or better, than was evidenced
in its prior participation in the Tier 1 Program.
To enroll in the SBMP Tier 2, a firm will be required to re-
qualify for the program. A firm that expects to graduate
from Tier 1 should apply for the re-qualification one year
prior to its expected date of graduation from Tier 1.
Firms may participate in the SBMP Tier 2 for four years
during which they may bid on projects valued up
to $3 million.
When reviewing a firm’s application for entry into the
MTA Small Business Federal Program (SBFP), MTA’s
assessment will include a thorough evaluation of a
variety of factors, which will include many of the same
requirements as the SBMP, with several
significant differences:
Provide at least two references for commercial
work – valued at no less than $500,000 in every
trade for which it wishes to be qualified
Have been in business for at least one year
Each business owner must not have a net worth
(excluding primary residence) exceeding
$1.32 million
Not exceed the U.S. Small Business
Administration’s size standard for its industry
Have an annual earnings cap of $5 million per year
averaged over the last three years
Be capable (MTA assistance may be available) of
being bonded for up to $3 million
Firms enrolled in the SBFP are not eligible to also
participate in the SBMP. However, firms in the SBMP
may apply for and elect to participate in the SBFP if they
withdraw from the SBMP.