Page 2 - MTA Success Stories - Building Success Project by Project

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Historically, issues pertaining to construction resources, access to capital, insurance, bonding and
complexities inherent to bidding and contract procedures have proven to be significant obstacles
to working with the MTA.
The MTA Small Business Development Program, along with its new Small Business Mentoring
Program, is dedicated to eliminating those obstacles and providing small firms with the skill
sets, knowledge and understanding of the construction requirements necessary to grow and
penetrate this vital and expansive transportation marketplace. The program is aligned with
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s directive to increase contract awards to New York
State certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises from 10% to 20%.
In July, 2010, New York State enacted legislation that authorized the Metropolitan Transportation
Authority (MTA) and its operating agencies to establish a Small Business Mentoring Program
(SBMP) for small construction contractors. This two-tiered program is a major component of the
overall MTA’s Department of Diversity and Civil Rights Small Business Development Program.
Under MTA’s policy, a ‘small business’ has annual revenues not exceeding $3 million for Tier
1 participation and $5 million for Tier 2 participation, averaged over three years. A business
admitted into the programwill have the opportunity to learn how to work with the MTA and
compete for public work projects designated for SBMP as prime contractors. The MTA’s ultimate
goals are to increase the pool of qualified contractors who can complete MTA projects safely,
timely and within budget and to foster job creation and economic development activities within
the 14 county region that the MTA services.
Today is a New Day at
the MTA